Liu Ying
(1993, China)

Artist duo The Amzaing Oriental, 2022 - now 
Member of Sarmad Platform in Rotterdam, 2023 - now
Co-Founder of Platform LivingRoom in Rotterdam, 2019-2023
Founder of The Box Poetry Club in Beijing, 2015-2017


Currently living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

My artist life would be much more difficult without the emotional and intellectual support of
Alireza Abbasy, Defne Tesal & Murat Yildiz, Hosein Danesh, Yiyi You ...


2018 - 2020 

Master of Fine Arts, Akv St. Joost Master Institute of Visual Culture, Den Bosch, Netherlands

2012 - 2016

Bachelor of Art Photography, Beijing Film Academy, Beijing, China

2024 “Wat doen jullie? oh, niks!” - Summmer program in collaboration with Alireza Abbasy, VierVaart, Zeeland, Netherlands
2023 “Can You Live My Space?” - group exhibition, Witte Rook, Ecker Galerij Breda, Netherlands
2023 “Strictly Factual” - performance in collaboration with Alireza Abbasy, organized by Soupspoon collective, Rib, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2023 “Black Mama” - Solo show in collaboration with Alireza Abbasy, Ruimte Caesuur, Middelburg, Netherlands
2023 “Prospects 2023” - Mondriaan Fonds Start Artists, Van Nelle fabriek, Rotterdam, Netherlands

2022 “Long Stories, Short Films” -  group show, CAESUUR, Middelburg, Netherlands
2022 “Collective Contemplation” - Curated group show, ...ism project space, Den Haag, Netherlands
2021 “Things to Consider” - Trio show, Tilde, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2021 “If time allows” - Private Opening, Witte Rook, Breda, Netherlands

2020 ‘Fictioning Comfort’ - Collaboratively present with Sarmad Magazine, Showroom MAMA, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2020 ‘Other Ways of Watching Together’ - Group show, Showroom MAMA, Rotterdam, Netherlands 2019 ‘Fluid Stillness’ - Solo show, the Safe, Master Institute of Visual Culture, Den Bosch, Netherlands
2019 ‘Living room for Living’- Solo show, LivingRoom, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2019 ‘Eye research lab’-Video screening, Eye Film Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2018 ‘Momentum’ - Performance, Master Institute of Visual Cultures, Den Bosch, Netherlands

2017 ‘Save as’- Group show, Chongqing 3rd lab, Chongqing, CN
2017 ‘Illuminant: Young Photographers’ - Group show’, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, Jiangxi, CN
2016 ‘Chasing the light’- Group show, Beijing Film Academy, Beijing, CN
2016 ‘Art book in China’ - Group show, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, CN

2015 ‘Wuxiang - The7th Three Shadows Photography Award’- Group show, Three shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing, CN
2014. ‘Express’ - Group show, chi K11 Gallery, Wuhan, CN

2021 Witte Rook, Breda, Netherlands

2022 ‘Lo que solo sucede una vez’ workshop to La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
2022 ‘The Way Out, Is In’ workshop to Jan van Eyck Academy, Netherlands (in collaboration with Yin Yin Wong)
2020 ‘Here and Now’ workshop to Akv St. Joost Bachelors Fine Art, Den Bosch, Netherlands (in collaboration with Hossein Danesh)
2019. ‘1h 34’ 07’ workshop to Akv St. Joost Bachelors Fine Art, Den Bosch, Netherlands (in collaboration with Murat Yildiz, Defne Tesal)

>Supported by
2022 “Encyclopedia of Motional Meditation Practice”, Onderzoeks- en Ontwikkelingssubsidie (O&O), CBK Rotterdam
2021  Temporary Work Contribution Production, Presentation and Research (PPR), CBK Rotterdam 

2021  “Nonsense Note”, Projectsubsidies Cultuur, Project grant, Gemeente Rotterdam


  • Self-publications / Artbook 
2018. ‘The News Poetry’ , Poems in photobook, Beijing
2016. ‘Poems of the Box’, poem collection, The Box Poetry club, Beijing Film Academy
2015. ‘The 9 Days’, photobook, Beijing
2014. ‘Back to Home’, photobook, Hebei
2014. ‘Peace All Year Round’, photobook, 2013, Beijing

  • Catalogues
2021. ‘Collective Contemplation 2021’, Sarmad Magazine, Rotterdam
2018. ‘The News Poetry’ , Poems in photobook, Beijing
2015, ‘Wuxiang - The 7th Three Shadows Photography Award’, Three shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing
2014. ‘Express’, RS Projects, Wuhan

  • Magazines
2010. ‘Home’ -Sarmad Book Five, Netherlands
2016. ‘Photgraphers Companion’ -Photobook-Nov, China
2015. ‘The Outlook Magazine’ -Chinese Photpbooks, Issue 156- May 2015. China