Collective Contemplation #9.

...ism project space, Den Haag
May 27-29, 2022

Eén projectruimte, meerdere kamers, twaalf kunstenaars en twee uur ‘motorische mediatie’. Collective Contemplation is een project van kunstenaar Ying Liu. Zij is geïnteresseerd in het tot zwijgen brengen van de geest door fysiek en herhaaldelijk met bepaalde materialen om te gaan.

Adriaan Luteijn, Alireza Abbasy, Anastasia Shin, Eun Lee, Fatemeh Heydari, Hussel Zhu, Mike Megens, Robert Lombarts, Sam Bachy, Zela Odessa Palmer, Zoë d’Hont volgen haar pad en het resultaat is een tentoonstelling van datgene wat de kunstenaars hebben achtergelaten op de plek waar de actie plaatsvond.

U bent van harte welkom om de resultaten van deze collectieve bezinning te ontdekken en te voelen.

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One project space, many rooms, twelve artists and two hours of ‘motional mediation’. Collective Contemplation is a project by Ying Liu who is interested in silencing the mind by physically and repetitively engaging with a certain materials. Adriaan Luteijn, Alireza Abbasy, Anastasia Shin, Eun Lee, Fatemeh Heydari, Hussel Zhu, Mike Megens, Robert Lombarts, Sam Bachy, Zela Odessa Palmer, Zoë d’Hont are following her path and the result is an exhibition of what the artists have left behind on the spot where the action happened.

You are welcome to discover and feel the results of this collective contemplation.

De tentoonstelling is te bezoeken op:
vrijdag 27 mei van 19.00-23.00 uur (tijdens kunstroute Hoogtij #69)
zaterdag 28 mei  van 13.00-18.00 uur
zondag 29 mei  van 13.00-18.00 uur

Opening at ...ism project space

Marianne Linger: taking care of the house plants.

Sam Bachy : creating a puzzle from broken glass found in the basement.

Mike Megens : archiving one of the unvarnished planks.

Zela Odessa Palmer: doing Asemic writing on the window.

Adriaan Luteijn: cleaning windows and windowsills with art T-shirts.

Zoe d’Hont : starting a listening journal with guidance from Pauline Oliveros’ Book Deep Listening: A Composer’s Sound Practice.

Alireza Abbasy: marking the nails, the different generations of them in this 17th century building.

Robert Lombarts: making an oily vegetable stock to reflect the sky

Fatemeh Heydari: making wasted substances.

Frits Dijcks: writing down Putin’s first (2000) and last (2022) New Year’s speech in Russian.

Anastasia Shin: making surface impressions, interior and exterior.

Ying Liu: organizing Frits and Marianne’s books in their library.

Eun Lee : drawing blue lines which are on a stream of consciousness.

Hussel Zhu : step one, peeping at 11 artists’ actions, at the same time writing down on a piece of fabric the first word popped into my mind every first sight. Step two: hanging the fabric, picking words among all the written words on the fabric from the first sight, and making sentences out of those words I have picked -- I consider these sentences represent my observation of the whole collective contemplation happened in the space.